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有一個問題就是的英語(這有一個問題 英語)



1、為什么問這個:why do you ask this question?沒什么,就是問問而已:nothing,just wondering。

2、Lets ask.相關(guān)例句:He asked a little about my life history .他簡單地問了一下我的履歷。He had been too proud to ask for help .他自尊心太強,從不求助于人。

3、A:when do you go there?B:ummm(or soooooooooo), when do you go there?這些詞語一般用象聲詞就能表達(dá),重要的是語境。


1、問題一:麻煩問一下,用英語怎么說呢 Go ahead!Efforts to struggle, never give up, to the right, girl!More own refueling!Believe in yourself a beautiful day will e。

2、“請問” 在不同的場合可用不同的說法,如:please (客氣地請求),excuse me (提問時禮貌地引起對方注意),I should like to ask (含義是我想問一下)。

3、我想問你一個問題用英語怎么說如下:I want to ask you a question。question造句 It is a question of time這是時間的問題。

4、例句:Maria, I want to ask you a few questions 瑪麗亞,我想問你一些問題。

5、可以當(dāng)問題疑問講:例:I repeated my question for good measure.譯:另外,我重復(fù)了我的問題。也可以當(dāng)懷疑講:例:It never occurs to them to question the doctors decisions.譯:他們從未想過要懷疑醫(yī)生的決定。


Do you have your breakfast at home?是的,通常早上在家吃面條,偶爾吃些其它的。

D。impress作為不及物動詞時,與on/upon形成固定搭配,在被動語態(tài)下,表現(xiàn)形式為be impressed on/upon。答案也有錯的時候吧。。

nine because it is good for my english.50.go shopping and study.5i want to be a teacher.5 yes, because it is very beautiful.5 my favourite sport is football.54。

.—Isnt she beautiful?她難道不美嗎?—No, she isnt.是的,她不美。—Yes,she is.不,她很美。2.—Dont you like it?你不喜歡它嗎?—No,I dont.是的,我不喜歡。

move to the new house.我需要一些幫助。